Фирма КАБИТС ЕООД е създадена през 1999 г. от инж.Димитър Калчев, с предмет на дейност – търговия и сервиз на телекомуникационно измервателно оборудване.
Фирмата е сертифицирана по ISO 9001.
КАБИТС ЕООД е дистрибутор и партньор за България на:
NARDA –STS, световен лидер в измервателните уреди системи за мониторинг на електромагнитни полета
The unique CALIPRI principle is a development of laser light section technology for non-contact dimension and profile measurements.
CALIPRI meets the rail industry’s demands for extended service life and cost reduction through measuring with an accuracy previously unknown and the universal use of one and the same measurement device for a broad range of applications.

Lumentum delivers innovative photonics to accelerate the speed and scale of cloud, networking, advanced manufacturing, and 3D sensing applications.

Since the foundation of ELEKTRONIKA in 1952 the company’s main focus is on research,
development, production and distribution of telecommunication instruments, and systems.
ELEKTRONIKA historically produces tailor-made, high quality products for our customers.
30 MHz Copper Qualifier ELQ 30 A
Intended to pre-qualification of copper wire pairs with physical parameter measurements up to before installation of VDSL, ADSL 2+, ADSL, SHDSL or other modems.
Telephone, Exchange and DSLAM Tester ETET 30
Intended to be installed in the central offices for the verification of telephone and xDSL services. In case of service loss it is an excellent tool to find out whether the failure source is within the exchange, the subscriber’s site or on the line.
Precision Cable Fault Locator ECFL 30
Intended to test the quality of telecom cables and to locate cable faults. That combined instrument provides several tools for the accurate fault location. Main customers of this type are telecom and railway companies. During the recent years we sold more than 2000 units.
Voice Frequency Data Line Analyser ELA 10
Intended for the test of 2/4 W ordinary or special quality leased circuits and dial- up circuits. It provides single sided and end-to-end measurements with two instruments in MASTER-SLAVE arrangement. Main customers of this type are different electricity boards, railway and telecom companies.
Intended for the test of Power Line Carrier Systems and other Carrier Frequency Systems up to 600 channel capacity. Main customers of this type are different electricity boards. During the recent years we sold more than 1000 units.
Time Domain Reflectometer ETDR 10
Intended for the quick and accurate fault location of balanced telecommunication cables using impulse reflection technique. Main customers of this type are: telecom companies and railway companies.