Fast, cost-effective and accurate polarization mode dispersion (PMD) testing for high speed networks characterization.
PMD is one of the most critical parameters to consider when characterizing the fiber’s suitability for carrying high-data-rate transmission. While PMD limitations for 10 Gbps (Ethernet or [SONET/SDH]) do not present major obstacles for transmission deployments, potential issues with the further reduced limits associated with 40G and 100G require clear and correct consideration.
The JDSU PMD test solution provides fast, reliable and field-designed solution to help you characterize your fiber optic network with efficiency.
- Fixed analyzer method standardized by ITU-T, IEC, and TIA/EIA.
- Field-portable test instrument without compromising performance and reliability.
- Measures PMD delay, PMD coefficient, and calculate second-order PMD.
- Work in conjunction with wide range of handheld or modular light sources.
- Qualify DWDM/CDWM high-speed networks: 10G to 40G/100G.
- Modern and ultra-low PMD optical fiber testing before or after installation.
- Characterize buried, aerial, submarine cables, amplified and non-amplified links, short- and ultra-long haul.
Key Features
- Perform measurements in just 6 seconds.
- Dynamic range up to 58dB independent of PMD value.
- PMD range of 0 to 60 ps.
- Combines Chromatic Dispersion and Attenuation profile in a single slot module.