DSAMobile iPad® Application

DSAMobileIncreases technician productivity with intuitive portable interface and ability to view all necessary test results, including all channels and multiple measurements, on one large screen remotely.


The DSAMobile iPad application (DSAMobile iPad app) tests quicker and more efficiently and provides immediate access to technical support information. Now, the DSAM can remain plugged into one location in the house while technicians move easily and quickly to remote locations simply using the iPad app. The DSAMobile iPad app also lets technicians see the entire channel lineup and a wide range of measurements on one screen, saving time and eliminating the need to switch test modes.


  • Shortens new technician learning curve with simple, intuitive interface
  • Grants easy access to context sensitive multimedia training content
  • Simplifies home certification testing with quick mode entry and easy to read results all on one page
  • Eases data collection with direct link to TPP database
  • WiFi connection provides the largest direct remote test range


  • Separate, portable test tool interface facilitates remote testing as far away as 300 feet
  • Operate the DSAM’s most popular modes on a new and intuitive iPad interface
  • Integrated training and support with immediate access to application videos and other training materials for fast effective, context sensitive learning

Key Features

  • Color-coded test results, including all channels and multiple measurements on one large screen
  • Touch-screen tuning and interactive tap capabilities to drill down into channel specifics
  • Integrated with industry-leading test productivity pack (TPP) test management solution for simplified record-keeping and data analysis


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