ONT Ethernet

Addresses the need for evaluating fully interworking New Generation SONET/SDH with Ethernet services at electrical and optical interfaces.     The Ethernet modules address the need for evaluating New Generation SONET/SDH (NewSONET/NewSDH) network elements and NextGeneration networks with Ethernet services at electrical and optical interfaces.…

ONT-512 Optical Network Tester

Rack-mounted solution that provides multi-channel test and multi-port configuration capabilities for manufacturers development and system verification.     ONT-5xx Optical Network Tester – short version(, 1.12MB) Multi-port/multi-channel rack-mount test solution for labs and manufacturers Next Generation SONET/SDH devices are highly integrated platforms. They provide very…

ONT-506 Optical Network Tester

Portable solution that offers multi-channel test and multi-port configuration capabilities for manufacturers,  development and system verification for transport testing up to 40/43G.   ONT-5xx Optical Network Tester – short version(, 1.12MB) Design, Conformance, and Verification Testing of Next Generation Transport Technologies in One Powerful Solution.…

ONT-503 Optical Network Tester

Portable solution that supports ONT modules for 40/43G, Carrier Ethernet and Multichannel; designed for SVT groups at network manufacturers as well as service providers.   ONT-5xx Optical Network Tester – short version(, 1.12MB) Design, Conformance, and Verification Testing for Converged Transport and Datacom Environments in…

ONT 40/43G

Testing and verification for physical and transport layer, jitter and wander at bit rates of 40/43G with unframed signal and framed signals for SDH/SONET/OTN.     ONT-5xx solution for 40/43G(, 1.12MB) 40/43G with jitter/wander The JDSU ONT-40/43 G solution lets users develop and deploy high-speed…


TestPad datacom analysis module with a variety of interfaces that support installation, troubleshooting, and maintenance of network elements and circuits.     FIREBERD 8000 Datasheet(, 3.07MB) Take testing to the next level with a single platform for new and legacy requirements The FIREBERD 8000 combines…

ANT-5 SDH Access Tester

Installation and commissioning solution for SDH, SONET, PDH, OTDR and ATM access networks with line rate testing from 1.544 Mb/s to 2.5 Gb/s.     Installation and commissioning solution for SDH, SONET, PDH, and ATM access networks with line rate testing from 1.544 Mb/s to…

Multi Services Application Module (MSAM) forT-BERD®/MTS-6000A/8000 Platform

Industry’s most compact 10 GigE multifunction tester for the installation and maintenance of carrier-grade Ethernet and Internet Protocol services.     T-BERD®/MTS Multi-Services Application Module(, 2.95MB) The T-BERD/MTS-6000A/8000 Multi-Service Application Module (MSAM) continues to dominate the installation and troubleshooting market with its evolutionarily design with hardware…

Transport Module for T-BERD®/MTS-8000 Platforms

Combines traditional SONET/SDH and Ethernet/IP features in a single module including advanced Layer 4 and above application-centric testing, IPTV, and Fibre Channel to 10 Gbps.   T-BERD/MTS-8000 Transport Module Datasheet(, .88MB) Transport testing for the T-BERD/MTS-8000 Platforms The Transport module for the T-BERD/MTS-8000 Platforms enables service…