Monitor and troubleshoot the performance of IPTV, VoD, VoIP and broadband data applications with Triple Play Analyzer — now integrated with PacketPortal™.
- Triple Play Analyzer(
, 3.87MB)
The Triple Play Analyzer (J6900A) is a powerful tool that provides a complete monitoring and troubleshooting solution for network equipment manufacturers and commu¬nication service providers who develop, install and troubleshoot voice, data and video applications.
Now integrated the revolutionary JDSU PacketPortal™ solution, TPA can resolve the most complex, costly, and difficult to find network problems — all from a central loca¬tion, The combined solution offers affordable Quality of Experience (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoS) analysis on a massive scale with powerful real-time monitoring and trouble resolution — across any network, anywhere.
- Reduce OPEX by avoiding unnecessary dispatches and reducing MTTR from days to minutes
- Greatly improve visibility at the edge by deploying SFProbes throughout the network where visibility is required
- Enable higher ARPU and Revenue by eliminating premises visits and solving problems faster from a centralized location
- Centrally view and diagnose subscriber problems – see actual customer video content, network errors, and packet issues that affect QoE/QoS
- Affordable access on a massive scale with powerful real-time monitoring and analysis
- Across almost any network, anywhere – with pervasive on-demand monitoring capability
- Provide service visibility closer to the customer than ever before
- Reduce MTTR from days to minutes
- Eliminate unnecessary technicians field dispatches
- Affordable access on a massive scale when deployed with JDSU PacketPortal
- Supports most major interfaces and over 500 unique protocols and decodes
Key Features
- Analyze QoE of stream quality using Mean Opinion Score (MOS) scores for VoIP and MPEG Video
- Troubleshoot from the customer view with real-time playback of live IPTV multi¬cast traffic and/or VoD streams with audio
- Resolve MPEG-2 transport stream issues with comprehensive set of ETSI TR 101 290 metrics
- Thoroughly analyze Microsoft’s “Mediaroom™ middleware deployment
- Allows complete RTP packet analysis with RFC 3357 to reveal loss distribution in addition to loss rates
- Provides insight into IGMP latencies
Software Options
- TPA Base Software (J6900A-001)
- TPA Video QoE Option (J6900A-002)
- TPA Voice QoE Option (J6900A-003)
- TPA MSTV Analysis Option (J6900A-004)