TestPad datacom analysis module with a variety of interfaces that support installation, troubleshooting, and maintenance of network elements and circuits.     FIREBERD 8000 Datasheet(, 3.07MB) Take testing to the next level with a single platform for new and legacy requirements The FIREBERD 8000 combines…

HST-3000 Handheld Services Tester

Premier triple –play access network tester  installs and maintains copper and fiber based bonded ADSL/VDSL, IPTV, Microsoft TV, VoIP and data plus legacy networks.   HST-3000 Platform Overview(, 1.00MB)   The HST-3000 provides the best any access network tester has to offer. Built on a…


StrataSync is a hosted, cloud-based solution that provides asset, configuration, and test data management for JDSU instruments and ensures all instruments have the latest software and options installed.   StrataSync Product Brief(, .48MB) StrataSync manages inventory, test results, and performance data anywhere with browser-based ease…